Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm still recovering from the weekend. I lost one night of sleep because I was so excited for the Sewing Summit and another couple of nights due to watching movies (That's another one of my favorite things - movies. Has anyone else seen Incendies? OMG.)

The Sewing Summit was amazing. I learned so much and met some super-talented, friendly, incredible girls. I walked away from the experience inspired, motivated and overwhelmed! I'm also going to re-think how and what I sew and attempt some more difficult pieces.

It was so fun for me to not only meet, but hang out with sewing bloggers that I've been following for years. I was able to spend a lot of time with Lavender and Suriah. We went thrifting, talked about sewing techniques (I never get to do that) and enjoyed a few good meals. Lavender's Rooibos is so beautiful in person. It fits her perfectly. I also met Sunni, another local, who was wearing her fabulous Clover pants. Gertie is hilarious and I like how the classes were a bit unstructured and fun.

Gertie! She's kind of a big deal.

Speaking of Clover pants, that sewalong has started and I'm not even sure I have fabric for a muslin! I think there's some white stretch twill somewhere on my craft cave floor. For my final pair I'm using some stretchy mustard corduroy. Does that alarm you? I was going to pair them with a white, tucked-in, button-up OR a slouchy knit sweater.


  1. Ooh, mustard corduroy sounds SUPER fun! I wanted to make them in a crazy-colored stretch corduroy, too, but I couldn't find any, so I ended up with lame-o dark grey stretch sateen. Looking forward to seeing yours! Oh, and I'm waiting for some cheap stretch fabric I ordered to come in for my muslin... big surprise, I'm already behind schedule! :)

  2. I think the mustard corduroy sounds great! I'm jealous of your weekend. I'm taking Gertie's bombshell online class right now.

  3. Steph, I had so so much fun with you!!! You have to make mustard corduroy Clovers, then come to east in autumn and give our foliage a run for its colorful money! That film is going to the top of the list. Movie nut! Oh, and I am totally not using stretch fabric for my muslin... call me a rebel, or call me an idiot once they turn out a disaster.

  4. Hey girl!
    I'm so lucky to have met you at the sewing summit, I had so much fun hanging out! :) I can't wait to see how that over-sized sweater turns out, those cables look AMAZING!

  5. added Incendies to my Netflix list -

  6. Fun! I wish I had been close enough to make just a day of it. Instead, I was at a work retreat. At least it was at the beach, so I can't complain much!
