Saturday, January 21, 2012

Frogging & Small Wins

I've been MIA because I finished Anhinga, hated it, immediately began ripping it out, swore off crafting of all kinds forever then watched four seasons of True Blood.*

There are a few sweaters that have been in my discard/frog/giveaway pile for years, so I got started on those as well. Frogging is kind of an ordeal as the yarn has to be soaked to get the kinks out, then dried and rewound. The buttonless Tangled Yoke Cardigan has finally met its end.

I actually can't go that long without a project and certainly can't watch tv without keeping my hands busy, so I made fingerless gloves for my mom and and a pair for my sil. These are my small wins.

They are both made up of the slubby goodness that is Manos del Uruguay Wool Classica. The pattern is 75 Yard Malabrigo Fingerless Mitts though I used a bit more yarn than that. 

Before the Anhinga fiasco, I was inspired by Lauren of Lladybird to organize my fabric and patterns, which is turning out to be a much bigger job than anticipated. My patterns are slowly being uploaded and tagged in a PRIVATE Flickr set. I didn't want to take pictures of my fabric too, so I just cut swatches, wrote down the measurements and called it good. I have some really great pieces that I'm excited to use up.

Now off to tackle some tees! Wish me luck.

*Sadly, I'm not exaggerating that much.


  1. I find that small objects are a great way to get my crafting mojo back. Very cute mitts!
    That last fabric is beautiful - what is it?

  2. I need to remember that I enjoy small, quick knitting projects. You're absolutely right.

    Isn't it??? It's this: I can already see that I've mislabeled the content AND width! It's one of the most beautiful pieces I own. I'm thinking about pairing it with this pattern:

  3. Glad to have you back!!! Those gloves are so cozy looking, and a winning color combo if ever combined :) I really need to do some digital organizing. It's so freaking time consuming.

    1. I agree! I actually just bought some sock yarn with pink and lime, so it's definitely a color combo I'm drawn to lately. Ugh. I may abandon the pattern project. It's too much! But organizing my fabric has been fun.

  4. Oh, I have so been there with True Blood... Yay for the power of small projects! (and sexy vampires)

    1. Ha ha ha! Oh good! I was bordering on an unhealthy obsession, but managed to pull back a bit. Have you read the books?

    2. I haven't read the books but I've contemplated doing so. Oh Alexander Skarsgard...

  5. I'm sorry you weren't happy with the Anhinga-- that's so disappointing. As annoying as frogging is, it's so much smarter to reuse the yarn for something you'll actually like and wear than to hang onto a sweater that you'll never wear.

    The mitts are super cute! Small projects are perfect when you've been discouraged! I've been doing lots of organizing lately, too-- things have been too messy around here for me to be able to settle in and do any serious crafting, so I feel like I'll finally be able to get some work done as soon as everything is in its right place!

    1. It's agonizing to rip out a sweater, but I completely agree - it's far better than having an unused sweater. And yarn is pricey! That would be a terrible waste. The sad part (but the really good thing about blogging) is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was looking at pictures and writing up a blog post.

      I feel like that too! If my sewing area gets too out of control, then I find something else to do. That's why knitting is nice. I can do it outside of the disaster area.

  6. The swatching idea is really good, I might have to do the same, I'm sure I have pieces of fabric hiding that I have forgotten about.
